About VTC
LAPP Insulators Alumina s.r.o.
in The Czech Republic
Our company specializes in designing and manufacturing products utilizing ceramic-to-metal, ceramic-to-glass or ceramic-to-special materials sealing technology. We offer a full range of insulators, electrical feedthroughs, connectors and viewports all rated for high vacuum or ultra-high vacuum.
We draw on long years of experience and high levels of know-how in this field. We are your most reliable partner for your special applications and requirements too – guaranteeing our customers quality, reproducibility and satisfaction.
We are ready for your inquiries. Our engineers are full available to your questions or technical details for special aplications.
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Part of large state-owned company TESLA – supplying industries based in Central and Eastern Europe
TESLA desintegrates into smaller entities and gets privatised
Technicka keramika a.s. is set up.
STALCOP USA enters Technicka keramika
Focus on housings for semiconductors
September 2012:
Lapp Insulators buys Technicka keramika and renames it to Lapp Insulators Alumina s.r.o.
Company relocates from 2 locations to 1 (from 2000 m2 to 2.800 m2)